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Brathan-ullachaidh Rannsachadh
Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Local government finance: facts and figures 2013-14 to 2019-20
Author: Ailsa Burn-Murdoch and Andrew Aiton
Published: Tuesday 02 Jul 2019 (SB 19-45)
Executive Summary
The local government settlement
Real terms change
Local government and Scottish Government comparison
Share of the Scottish Government Budget
Ring-fenced funds
Local Government settlement per head
Funding change vs population change
Per head funding as a % of the Scottish average
Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates
Council Tax and NDR income levels
Council Tax income post-reform
Annex: Data
Table 1 - Local Government funding from Scottish Government (real terms, 2019-20 prices) - annual change
Table 2 - Local Government funding from Scottish Government (cash terms) and percentage share
Table 3 - Local Government funding from Scottish Government (real terms, 2019-20 prices) and percentage share
Table 4 - Local government, % of funds ringfenced, 2013-14 and 2019-20
Table 5 - Local government funding per head; changes 2013-14 to 2019-20, real terms (2019-20 prices)
Table 6 - Council Tax income and Non-Domestic Rates income
Table 7 - Council Tax, NDRI and Scottish Government Grant funding for local government, 2019-20, cash
Table 8 - Changes to Council Tax revenue, 2016-17 to 2019-20
Abbreviations and Glossary
Local Government Glossary
Related Briefings
Related Briefings
Image: Figure 1 - Annual real terms change, outturn and Local Government Finance Order, 2013-14 to 2019-20
Image: Figure 2 - Revenue budgets, Multi-annual real terms change, real terms (2019-20)
Image: Figure 3 - Local government as a percentage of Scottish Government Budget, outturn only
Image: Figure 4 - Ring-fenced funds as a proportion of Total Revenue settlement, 2013-14 and 2019-20
Image: Figure 4 - Local government funding per head, real terms change 2013-14 to 2019-20
Image: Figure 5 - Funding change vs population change, 2013-14 to 2019-20
Image: Figure 6 - local government funding per head, % of the Scottish average, percentage point change from 2013-14 to 2019-20
Image: Figure 7 - Council Tax, NDRI and revenue grant funding allocations as a proportion of total funding, 2019-20
Image: Figure 8 - Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates income (£m, cash)
Image: Figure 9 - Impact of Council Tax reform on Gross Council Tax revenue between 2016-17 and 2019-20, cash terms.
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