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Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Scotland's exports - policy and statistics
Author: Andrew Aiton, Andrew Feeney-Seale and Iain McIver
Published: Tuesday 10 Sep 2024 (SB 24-44)
Key points
How this briefing is structured
Why are we interested in exports?
Scotland's export performance - main data sources
Exports Statistics Scotland
Regional Trade Statistics
Other data sources
Comparability of data sources
Scotland's international exports - the policy approach
Policy before Brexit
Trading Nation Progress Review 2022
Since Brexit
The UK context
Scotland's international exports - impact of geopolitical events and COVID 19
The UK's departure from the EU
The trade impact of leaving the EU
New bilateral trade agreements
The COVID 19 pandemic
Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine
Other global supply chain disruption
Case studies
Service exports
Financial services
Wholesale and retail trade
Food and drink
Non-EU international exports
Mineral fuels, lubricants & related materials
Petroleum, petroleum products & related materials
Gas, natural & manufactured
Image: Figure 1: Value of Scottish international exports as a percentage of Scottish on-shore GDP
Image: Figure 2: Exports from Scotland by sector and destination, 2021
Image: Figure 3: Indexed total mass and value of Scotland's international goods exports, 2016/17 to 2023/24
Image: Figure 4: Sectoral breakdown of Scotland's international goods exports, by destination
Image: Figure 5: Scotland and rUK exports; change in value and mass between 2016/17 and 2023/24
Image: Figure 6: Devolved nations and English regions exports, 2023/24
Image: Figure 7: Priority 1 markets identified in the Scottish Government's export strategy
Image: Figure 8: Priority 2 markets identified in the Scottish Government's export strategy
Image: Figure 12: Value of individual service sectors exports in 2021
Image: Figure 13: Service exports by destination
Image: Figure 16: Food and drink exports by destination, mass and value
Image: Figure 19: exports of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials, mass and value
Image: Figure 10: Changes in the mass and value of Scotland's goods exports, 2016/17 to 2023/24
Image: Figure 11: Scotland's exports to the EU, including and excluding oil and gas
Image: Figure 14: Financial services exports by destination
Image: Figure 15: Wholesale and retail service exports, 2021
Image: Figure 17: Scotland's seafood exports
Image: Figure 18: Scotland's beverage exports
Image: Figure 20: Exports of Petroleum, petroleum products & related materials, mass and value
Image: Figure 21: Mass and value of gas exports by destination, 2016/17 to 2023/24
Image: Figure 22: Gas exports to Ireland
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Last Updated: 24/1 4:26am
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