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Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Earnings in Scotland 2022
Author: Andrew Aiton
Published: Monday 27 Feb 2023 (SB 23-08)
Executive summary
About the data
Impact of the pandemic on the data
Jobs in Scotland: March 2018 to March 2022
Typical salaries in Scotland
What is the typical salary for all employees in Scotland?
What is the typical salary for full-time employees in Scotland?
What is the typical salary for part-time employees in Scotland?
Typical weekly pay in Scotland
What is typical weekly pay for all employees in Scotland?
Weekly pay for all employees since 1997
What is typical weekly pay for full-time employees in Scotland?
What is typical weekly pay for part-time employees in Scotland?
Typical hourly pay in Scotland
What is typical hourly pay for all employees in Scotland?
What is typical hourly pay for full-time employees in Scotland?
What is typical hourly pay for part-time employees in Scotland?
Pay by industry
Pay by occupation
Pay by sector
Pay by local authority area
Executive summary
About the data
Typical salaries in Scotland
Typical weekly pay in Scotland
Typical hourly pay in Scotland
Pay by industry
Pay by occupation
Pay by sector
Pay by local authority area
Image: What was the median pay for all employees in 2022?
Image: What was the median pay for all full-time employees in 2022?
Image: What was the median pay for part-time employees in 2022?
Image: What are the highest and lowest areas of pay by industry and occupation?
Image: Where are the top ten local authorities for pay by residence and workplace?
Image: There has been a higher increase in the number of new jobs with pay higher median pay than the Scottish median.
Image: The typical salary for all employees in Scotland is similar to the UK
Image: Annual pay has remain relatively flat across all nations and regions of the UK between 2018 and 2022, when looking at it in real terms.
Image: Scotland has the third highest median full-time salary across the UK.
Image: Only four of the nations and regions of the UK have seen growth in real terms gross annual full-time salaries between 2018 and 2022.
Image: Scotland has the highest median part-time salary across the UK
Image: All regions nations and regions of the UK have seen an increase in part-time salaries between 2018 and 2022
Image: The typical weekly pay for all employees in Scotland is similar to the UK
Image: The typical weekly pay for all employees in Scotland has been similar to the UK between 2018 and 2022
Image: Where the median and the thresholds for the 1st and 10th deciles appear in the data
Image: Pay in Scotland has caught up with the UK, except for the highest earners
Image: Scotland has the fourth highest full-time weekly pay across the UK
Image: Yorkshire and The Humber was the only area across the UK to see a fall in real terms full-time weekly pay
Image: Scotland has the highest weekly part-time pay across the UK
Image: All nation and regions have seen an increase in weekly part-time pay between 2018 and 2022
Image: Scotland has the third highest full-time hourly pay excluding overtime across the UK
Image: All regions saw a real-terms increase in hourly pay excluding overtime for all employees between 2018 and 2022
Image: Scotland has the third highest hourly pay excluding overtime for full-time employees across the UK
Image: Yorkshire and The Humber was the only area to see a fall in real-terms wages between 2018 and 2022
Image: Scotland has the second highest part-time hour pay excluding overtime
Image: All regions saw an increase in part-time hourly pay between 2018 and 2022
Image: "Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply" has the highest hourly pay excluding overtime for the industries in Scotland
Image: "Arts, entertainment and recreation" has seen the highest increase in hourly pay excluding overtime between 2018 and 2022
Image: Professional occupations has the highest median hourly pay excluding overtime
Image: "Associate professional" was the only occupation group to see a fall in real terms wage between 2018 and 2022
Image: The public sector has the highest hourly pay excluding overtime
Image: Hourly pay increased more in the private sector that the public sector between 2018 and 2022, mostly because of the large decrease between 2021 and 2022
Image: Pay for where people live is higher in commuter areas, while workplace pay is higher in Scotland's cities.
Office for National Statistics. (2022, October 26). Employee earnings in the UK: 2022. Retrieved from
[accessed 16 January 2023]
Last Updated: 24/3 3:40am
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