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Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Key Issues for Session 6 - 2023 Update
Author: SPICe Research and SPICe Data Visualisation Team
Published: Wednesday 29 Nov 2023 (SB 23-45)
COVID-19 Recovery Update
Indirect Health Impacts
Performance of the NHS
Scrutiny in a climate and nature emergency – engaging with disruptive change
The climate and nature scrutiny challenge – what has changed?
Enhancing climate scrutiny in Session 6
Continued nature decline – but opportunities ahead for change
The devolution settlement post EU exit and UK relations
The devolution settlement and new constitutional arrangements
Key legislation and policy commitments
Challenges for the second half of Session six
The unpredictable impact of geopolitical developments
Rising energy prices
Rising food prices
Displaced persons from Ukraine
Inflation and the cost of living
Inflation impacts all aspects of life
What does high inflation mean for people?
What does high inflation mean for Government and the public finances?
Reform of school qualifications
OECD Review
Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment (the Hayward Review)
Response to the Review
Increasing public participation in the Scottish Parliament
Public participation in the Scottish Parliament
Scottish Government
Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee inquiry into public participation
Political support for deliberative democracy
Implementation of Committee recommendations
Scrutiny of participation
The Promise: Care system reform
The Independent Care Review
Implementing the recommendations
Progress so far
Recent developments: Programme for Government 2023-24
Just Transition
What is a “just transition”?
Scottish Government Just Transition Plans
The Just Transition Fund
The Just Transition Commission
Health and social care integration
The National Care Service
The bumpy ride
Non-residential social care charging
Mental health and COVID-19
Demand for services
Accessing services
Mental health policy
Mental health legislation
Gender recognition reform
Social security
A new human rights framework for Scotland
Further and Higher education - how might the landscape change?
The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare
The policy has been delivered
Funding for the Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector
Strategy and future expansion plans
Tenements and repairs
What’s happened since 2021?
Family law
The law applying to cohabiting couples
Civil partnerships for mixed-sex couples
The end of a marriage or civil partnership – does anyone need to be at fault?
The Scottish system
Possible pressure for reform in Scotland?
Minimum age for marriage and civil partnership
The National Performance Framework
The National Strategy for Economic Transformation
Tax powers: a process stalled
A New Deal for the Scottish business base
The Scottish business base – some facts and figures
Key issues for business
A New Deal for Business
Infrastructure investment: a balancing act
How has Scotland's labour market fared during the pandemic?
Local Government – council tax and the Verity House Agreement
The Verity House Agreement
Council tax freezes: a brief history and future costs
What next?
The changing face of devolution and scrutiny
The Sewel Convention
The UK Internal Market Act 2020
Delegated powers
Intergovernmental activity
A second referendum on independence
The climate emergency: just tackle, adapt and transition
The global picture
What's happening at home?
Climate Change Plan
Climate Change Adaptation Programme
Just Transition
Sowing the seeds of a new agricultural policy
Turning the tide – Scotland’s blue economy
Food Policy in Scotland: The Good Food Nation Act
Driving down driving
A Scottish foreign policy?
Extension of the international footprint
Scottish Council on Global Affairs
Scottish Affairs Committee inquiry
Looking ahead
Image: COVID-19 Recovery Update
Image: The waiting time target from diagnosis to treatment is being met, but the target that includes referral to diagnosis is not
Image: Excess deaths have declined and are around expected levels
Image: The number of people on waiting lists has almost doubled since the start of the pandemic
Image: National and regional biodiversity intactness rankings
Image: UK inflation has remained higher than many similar economies
Image: July 2023, mental health service Breathing Space had its busiest month on record
Image: Of the 62 indicators with performance data, 17 are improving, 31 maintaining performance and 14 worsening
Image: The National Strategy for Economic Transformation
Image: The National Strategy for Economic Transformation
Image: The National Strategy for Economic Transformation
Image: The National Strategy for Economic Transformation
Image: The National Strategy for Economic Transformation
Image: Scotland's international footprint
Image: What is happening next with the recommendations?
Last Updated: 9/2 5:36am
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