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Aithisgean ùra
Committee Reports
Aithisgean Chomataidh
Research Briefings
Brathan-ullachaidh Rannsachadh
Recent Reports
Aithisgean ùra
Committee Reports
Aithisgean Chomataidh
Research Briefings
Brathan-ullachaidh Rannsachadh
Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Scottish Parliament Statistics 2021-2022
Author: Kathryn Appleby-Donald, Rebecca Bartlett, Russell Cairns, Gwynneth Cowley, Julia Hurst, Amy Jardine, Kirsty Millar, Lindsay Paterson, Lena Phalen, Emma Robinson, Edna Stirrat
Published: Tuesday 28 Nov 2023 (SP 485)
1. Members
1.1. Elections
1.1.1. Scottish Parliament Election Results, 6 May 2021
1.1.2. Scottish Parliament By-Elections
1.2. State of the Parties
1.3. Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)
1.3.1. MSPs elected on 6 May 2021
1.3.2. MSPs not returned from Session 5
1.3.3. MSPs serving since 1999
1.3.4. Dual Mandate MSPs
1.3.5. MSPs by gender and ethnic minority background
1.3.6. Female MSPs by Party
1.3.7. MSP Age Profile
1.4. Officers of the Parliament
1.4.1. Presiding Officers
1.4.2. Scottish Parliament Corporate Body
1.4.3. Parliamentary Bureau
1.5. Oaths and Affirmations
2. Plenary Meetings
2.1. Calendar
2.2. Recess Dates
2.3. Place of Meeting
3. Plenary Business
3.1. Division of Time on Parliamentary Business
3.2. Time for Reflection
3.3. Parliamentary Questions
3.3.1. Oral Questions
3.3.1.(a) General questions
3.3.1.(b) First Minister's questions
3.3.1.(c) Portfolio questions
3.3.1.(d) Topical questions
3.3.1.(e) Urgent questions
3.3.1.(f) SPCB questions
3.3.1.(g) Urgent SPCB questions
3.3.2. Written Questions
3.3.2.(a) Written questions to the Scottish Government
3.3.2.(b) Written questions to the SPCB
3.4. Motions
3.4.1. Motions by Party
3.4.2. Motions without Notice
3.4.3. Motions to Suspend Standing Orders
3.4.4. Members' Business Motions
3.4.5. Legislative Consent Memorandums and Motions
3.4.6. Public Bodies Act Consent Memorandums and Motions
3.5. Ministerial Statements
3.6. Committee Announcements
3.7. Presiding Officer's Rulings
3.8. Votes
3.8.1. Electronic Votes
3.8.2. Presiding Officer's Exercise of a Casting Vote
4. Committees
4.1. Committee Membership
4.1.1. Individuals’ Membership of Committees
4.1.2. Committee Conveners and Deputy Conveners
4.1.2.(a) Conveners Group
4.1.2.(b) Committee Conveners and Deputy Conveners by gender
4.1.2.(c) Committee Conveners and Deputy Conveners by party
4.2. Committee Meetings
4.2.1. Number of Committee Meetings
4.2.2. Time Spent in Committee Meetings
Total time spent in committee meetings, plus the division between public and private time, by committee
Total time spent in committee meetings, plus the division between public and private time, by month
Time spent in committee meetings, by committee and month, plus the division between public and private time
4.2.3. Average Time Spent in Committee Meetings during the Parliamentary Year
Average length of all committee meetings by month
Annual average length of meetings by committee
Average time spent in committee meetings during the parliamentary year by committee
4.3. Committees
4.3.1. Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee
4.3.2. Constitution, Europe, External Affairs Committee
4.3.3. COVID-19 Recovery Committee
4.3.4. Criminal Justice Committee
4.3.5. Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee
4.3.6. Economy and Fair Work Committee
4.3.7. Education, Children and Young People Committee
4.3.8. Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee
4.3.9. Finance and Public Administration Committee
4.3.10. Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
4.3.11. Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
4.3.12. Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee
4.3.13. Public Audit Committee
4.3.14. Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
4.3.15. Social Justice and Social Security Committee
4.3.16. Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee
5. Legislation
5.1. Bills and Proposed Bills
5.1.1. Bill Summary
5.1.2. Progress of Public Bills during the 1st parliamentary year of Session 6
European Charter of Local Self-Government (Incorporation) (Scotland)Bill
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill
Coronavirus (Extension and Expiry) (Scotland) Bill
Carer's Allowance Supplement (Scotland) Bill
Transvaginal Mesh Removal (Cost Reimbursement) (Scotland) Bill
Good Food Nation (Scotland) Bill
Miners’ Strike (Pardons) (Scotland) Bill
Coronavirus (Discretionary Compensation for Self-isolation) (Scotland) Bill
Budget (Scotland) Bill
Non-Domestic Rates (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Bill
Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill
Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill
Scottish Local Government Elections (Candidacy Rights of Foreign Nationals) Bill
Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill
Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions to Adulthood) (Scotland) Bill
5.1.3. Progress of Private Bills during the 1st parliamentary year of Session 6
5.2. Subordinate Legislation
5.3. Secondary Legislation Stemming from the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
6. Other Parliamentary Business
6.1 Cross-Party Groups in the Scottish Parliament
6.2. Documents laid other than Statutory Instruments
6.3. Rule Changes to Standing Orders
6.4. Scottish Parliamentary Pension Scheme Trustees
6.5. Scottish Commission for Public Audit
6.6. Membership of Other Bodies
British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
7. Staff
7.1. MSP Staff
7.2. Parliamentary Staff in Post by Group (as at 31 March 2022)
8. Outreach and External Engagement
8.1. Visitors
8.2. Public Enquiries
8.3. Educational Visits and Outreach
8.4. Freedom of Information Statistics
8.5. Official Inward Visits and Outward Delegations
8.6. Official Gifts
1. Members
2. Plenary Meetings
3. Plenary Business
4. Committees
5. Legislation
6. Other Parliamentary Business
7. Staff
8. Outreach and External Engagement
Image: Election result
Image: Total number of MSPs in the Parliament from ethnic minority backgrounds following the election on 6 May
Image: Female MSPs by Party following the election on 6 May 2021
Last Updated: 7/3 1:48pm
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