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Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Earnings in Scotland: 2021
Author: Andrew Aiton
Published: Wednesday 09 Mar 2022 (SB 22-16)
Executive summary
About the data
Impact of the pandemic on the data
Jobs in Scotland: March 2019 to March 2021
Typical salaries in Scotland
What is the typical salary for all employees in Scotland?
What is the typical salary for full-time employees in Scotland?
What is the typical salary for part-time employees in Scotland?
Typical weekly pay in Scotland
What is typical weekly pay for all employees in Scotland?
Growth in weekly pay for all employees by decile
Ten-year change in weekly pay for all employees
What is typical weekly pay for full-time employees in Scotland?
What is typical weekly pay for part-time employees in Scotland?
Typical hourly pay in Scotland?
What is typical hourly pay for all employees in Scotland?
What is typical hourly pay for full-time employees in Scotland?
What is typical hourly pay for part-time employees in Scotland?
Pay by industry
Pay by occupation
Pay by sector
Pay by local authority area
Image: What was the median pay for all employees in 2021?
Image: What was the median pay for all full-time employees in 2021?
Image: What was the median pay for part-time employees in 2021?
Image: What are the highest and lowest areas of pay by industry and occupation?
Image: Where are the top ten local authorities for pay by residence and workplace?
Image: The biggest job losses have come in lower paid industries, while there have been increases in the number of jobs in the higher paid industries.
Image: Scotland has the third highest typical salary across the countries and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has the third highest median full-time salary of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has the highest median part-time salary of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has the third highest median weekly pay for all employees of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has seen higher growth across all deciles than the UK overall between 2019 and 2021
Image: Where the median and thresholds for the 1st and 10th deciles are
Image: Pay in real terms has increased the most in the bottom 10% while the pay for the top 10% has remained stable
Image: Scotland has the third highest median weekly full-time pay of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has the highest median weekly part-time pay of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has the third highest hourly pay excluding overtime for all employees of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has the third highest hourly pay excluding overtime for full-time employees of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: Scotland has the third highest hourly pay excluding overtime for part-time employees of the nations and regions of the UK.
Image: The Utilities industry has the highest pay in Scotland
Image: Professional occupations are the highest paid in Scotland
Image: The median public sector pay is higher in Scotland than the UK, but the median private sector pay is lower
Image: Pay for where people live is higher in commuter areas, while workplace pay is higher in Scotland's cities.
Office for National Statistics . (2021, October 26). Employee earnings in the UK: 2021. Retrieved from
[accessed 20 January 2022]
Office for National Statistics. (2020, November 3). Employee earnings in the UK: 2020. Retrieved from
[accessed 10 December 2020]
Last Updated: 19/1 7:01pm
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