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Brathan-ullachaidh Rannsachadh
Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Key Issues for Session 6: COVID, Climate and Constitution
Author: SPICe Research and SPICe Data Visualisation Team
Published: Wednesday 12 May 2021 (SB 21-25)
Foreword from the Clerk/Chief Executive
COVID-19 – The Road to Recovery
COVID-19 health harms
Non-COVID health harms
Societal harms
Economic harms
The fragility of the recovery
Scrutiny in a climate and nature emergency – engaging with disruptive change
The climate and nature scrutiny challenge
Opportunities for a green recovery – what are we aiming for?
The devolution settlement post EU exit and UK relations
The devolution settlement
Preparation for the UK’s exit from the EU
New constitutional arrangements - common frameworks
Key legislation
Challenges for Session 6
Health and Social Care integration: are the joins still visible?
What has integration entailed: the theory and legislation?
What led up to integration?
What and where are the new bodies?
So far so good. How well has integration progressed?
Key issues for social care
Mental health and COVID-19
Impact of COVID-19 infection on mental health
Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on mental health
Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the delivery of mental health services
Scottish Government response
Gender Recognition Act Reform
What is the current law for gender recognition?
What did the Scottish Government propose to change?
What did the responses say?
Why was reform delayed?
Consultation on the draft Gender Recognition Reform Bill
Why was the draft Bill delayed?
Social Security: completing the (first) project
What has been devolved?
What has been done so far?
What still has to be done?
Doing things differently
Budgetary risks: Adult Disability Payment
Social security and child poverty
A new human rights framework for Scotland
What rights do we have?
Why is this a key issue for session 6?
Violence and harassment experienced by women
Criminal offences
Support and protection for complainers/victims
Corroboration, juries and verdicts
Further and Higher Education – How might the landscape change?
Establishing a review
The pre-pandemic context
Phase 1 report: Everything on the table
Phase 2: A regional focus
What lies ahead?
The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare
Risks to Delivery
Flexibility and sustainability
Key issues for Session 6
Tenements and repairs – why should MSPs be interested in this topic?
What is a tenement?
What’s the issue?
Legislative reform in the 2000s – not the success story that was hoped for
Why didn’t the reforms work?
A new focus for change
What will be happening in family law in Session 6?
The choice between marriage, a civil partnership or living together
The end of a marriage or civil partnership – does anyone need to be at fault?
The National Performance Framework – your multi-use parliamentary power tool
What is the NPF?
Some tool functions
Some add-on tools
Health and safety when using your NPF multi-use parliamentary power tool
Where next for a Scottish economic strategy?
Looking back – 22 years of economic strategies
Where to now?
Likely themes over next five years
More than words
Tax powers: a process not an event
How have the tax powers of the Scottish Parliament evolved?
Scotland Act 2016 – unfinished business?
Might Brexit impact on Scotland’s powers?
The role of taxation in Scotland?
And finally, the extent of taxation in Scotland?
Supporting the Scottish business base: ensuring a strong recovery
The Scottish business base – some facts and figures
Issues for business base – COVID-19, Brexit and more
Business support, some considerations over the next five years
Ensuring a strong recovery
Infrastructure investment: a balancing act
What to build…
What type of economic growth?
…and when not to build
Where does the money come from?
Was it all worthwhile?
How has Scotland’s labour market fared during the pandemic?
How did Scotland’s labour market perform between the financial crisis and COVID-19?
The impact of the pandemic
What are the prospects for Scotland’s labour market?
Key questions for the next session
The Local Governance Review and beyond - where now for the local government - Scottish Government relationship?
Great expectations - setting the scene for change in Session 6?
The Local Governance Review
Council tax reform…or not
Wait and see
Community empowerment – more than a feeling?
The aims of the Community Empowerment Act?
The impact of community asset transfer changes
Where now for community empowerment?
Covid and Communities
Town centres and regeneration after COVID-19
What challenges did our town centres face before the coronavirus pandemic?
What have previous Scottish Governments done to support town centres?
What impact has the coronavirus pandemic had on Scotland’s town centres?
What can be done to support our town centres as we exit the coronavirus pandemic?
The changing face of devolution and scrutiny
A second referendum on independence
The evolution of devolution
All eyes on Glasgow – what COP26 means for Scotland and the Parliament
What are the key aims of the summit?
What role do parliaments have?
Scottish Parliamentary scrutiny to date
Green Recovery
Sowing the seeds of a new rural support policy
Links to other policy areas
Post-Brexit: Rural policy across the UK
Turning the tide – Scotland’s blue economy
Opportunities for scrutiny
Reversing marine ecosystem decline
A (Blue) Green Recovery for coastal communities
Integrating blue carbon into marine and climate change policy
Food Policy in Scotland: Where next for the Good Food Nation?
Where does food fit?
Developing Good Food Nation policy
Key issues for Session 6
Driving down driving
Reducing car travel - what works?
How does the Scottish Government intend to achieve the reduction in car travel?
The role of the UK Government
The impact of COVID-19 on travel in Scotland
Do other Scottish Government transport commitments support reducing the distance travelled by car?
A Scottish foreign policy?
Should Scotland have a foreign policy?
What kind of foreign policy?
The relationship with the EU after Brexit
Scotland’s international footprint
How can Scotland’s international footprint be developed?
The role for the Scottish Parliament
The bottom line
Foreword from the Clerk/Chief Executive
COVID-19 – The Road to Recovery
Scrutiny in a climate and nature emergency – engaging with disruptive change
The devolution settlement post EU exit and UK relations
Health and Social Care integration: are the joins still visible?
Mental health and COVID-19
Gender Recognition Act Reform
Social Security: completing the (first) project
A new human rights framework for Scotland
Violence and harassment experienced by women
Further and Higher Education – How might the landscape change?
The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare
Tenements and repairs – why should MSPs be interested in this topic?
What will be happening in family law in Session 6?
The National Performance Framework – your multi-use parliamentary power tool
Where next for a Scottish economic strategy?
Tax powers: a process not an event
Supporting the Scottish business base: ensuring a strong recovery
Infrastructure investment: a balancing act
How has Scotland’s labour market fared during the pandemic?
The Local Governance Review and beyond - where now for the local government - Scottish Government relationship?
Community empowerment – more than a feeling?
Town centres and regeneration after COVID-19
The changing face of devolution and scrutiny
All eyes on Glasgow – what COP26 means for Scotland and the Parliament
Sowing the seeds of a new rural support policy
Turning the tide – Scotland’s blue economy
Food Policy in Scotland: Where next for the Good Food Nation?
Driving down driving
A Scottish foreign policy?
Image: Health harms from COVID-19 in Scotland
Image: GDP cumulative percentage change since February 2020
Image: What does "net zero" mean?
Image: Anticipated Emissions Reductions 2020 - 2032 in Scotland’s Climate Change Plan Update. MtCO2e - million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent
Image: A nature crisis in Scotland and globally
Image: The UN Sustainable Development Goals
Image: The devolution settlement post EU exit and UK relations
Image: NHS health service total operating costs by sector
Image: Health and social care expenditure
Image: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health
Image: Number of referrals to CAMHS October 2019 - December 2020
Image: Number of calls to breathing space and percentage of calls answered in 30 seconds.
Image: Number of Gender Recognition Certificates granted since 2005
Image: Social Security Scotland benefits as at May 2021
Image: Timeline of transfer from DWP to Social Security Scotland
Image: Social Security Scotland benefits by 2025
Image: Civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights
Image: Violence and harassment experienced by women
Image: The College and University landscape
Image: Change in the number of funded hours of early learning and childcare
Image: Snapshot of the expansion in February 2021
Image: Condition of older homes in Scotland
Image: The choice between marriage, civil partnership or living together
Image: National Outcomes
Image: NPF tool functions
Image: Where next for an economic strategy?
Image: How have the tax powers of the Scottish Parliament evolved?
Image: Some characteristics of the Scottish business base
Image: Who determines the capital investment budget?
Image: Unemployment rates in selected European countries, 2008 to 2020
Image: Youth unemployment in Scotland and the UK, 2004 to 2020
Image: Underemployment in Scotland and the UK, 2013 to 2020
Image: Unemployment comparison between Scotland and UK, February 2021
Image: Total number of jobs supported through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in Scotland, July 2020 to February 2021
Image: The Local Governance Review and beyond - where now for the local government - Scottish Government relationship?
Image: Great expectations - setting the scene for change in Session 6?
Image: Number of community owned assets since 2001
Image: Community owned assets by SIMD quintile, 2019
Image: Town Centre Improvement Districts in Scotland
Image: Key legislation to understand the devolution settlement
Image: All eyes on Glasgow – what COP26 means for Scotland and the Parliament
Image: Types of support under the two ‘pillars’ of the EU Common Agricultural Policy in Scotland. The size of the circle is relative to the proportion of the budget allocated to that type of support.
Image: Key Pressures on Scotland’s marine environment
Image: Scotland’s Marine Protected Area Network
Image: Comparison of blue carbon storage and sequestration with terrestrial carbon, and Scotland's greenhouse gas emissions
Image: Links between food and other policy areas
Image: Proportion of trips by main mode of travel 2007 to 2019
Image: Scotland's global footprint
Last Updated: 10/1 3:53pm
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