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Brathan-ullachaidh Rannsachadh
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Brathan-ullachaidh Rannsachadh
Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
The gender paygap: facts and figures - 2017
Author: Andrew Aiton
Published: Wednesday 07 Mar 2018 (SB 18-19)
Executive Summary
Comparing pay by gender
How is the gender paygap calculated?
How does women's pay compare to men's pay?
What is the pay gap for full-time pay?
What is the pay gap for all employees?
What is the pay gap for part-time pay?
How does women's part-time pay compare to men's full-time pay?
What does the mean pay gap look like?
How has the gender paygap changed over time?
What is the pay gap by occupation?
What is the pay gap by industry?
What is the pay gap for the public and private sectors?
What is the pay gap by age?
How do the latest figures affect the National Indicator on the gender pay gap?
Executive Summary
Comparing pay by gender
How is the gender paygap calculated?
How does women's pay compare to men's pay?
How has the gender paygap changed over time?
What is the pay gap by occupation?
What is the pay gap by industry?
What is the pay gap for the public and private sectors?
What is the pay gap by age?
How do the latest figures affect the National Indicator on the gender pay gap?
Image: Figure 1: Factors affecting the gender pay gap
Image: Figure 2: How the gender paygap is calculated
Image: Figure 3: Comparing mean and median
Image: Full-time pay is highest in London for both men and women
Image: The full-time gender pay gap in Scotland is below the UK overall
Image: Overall pay is highest in London for both men and women
Image: The gender pay gap for all employees in Scotland is below the UK overall
Image: Women in Scotland have the 3rd highest part-time pay of the nations and regions of the UK
Image: The pay gap for part-time employees in Scotland is around the same as the UK overall
Image: What does the mean pay gap look like?
Image: The gender pay gap for all employees and full-time employees has remained unchanged since 2011
Image: What is the pay gap by occupation?
Image: For men, "Managers, directors and senior officials" is the highest paid occupation group, for women "professional occupations" is the highest paid occupation group
Image: "Skilled trades" has the highest gender pay gap in Scotland
Image: What is the pay gap by industry?
Image: What is the pay gap by industry?
Image: What is the pay gap by industry?
Image: At all age groups women are more likely to work part-time than men
Image: The pay gap increases significantly for those aged over 40
Office for National Statistics. (2017, October 26). Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings: 2017 provisional and 2016 revised results. Retrieved from
[accessed January 2018]
Fawcett Society. (n.d.) What is the Gender Pay Gap?. Retrieved from
[accessed 15 February 2018]
Scottish Government. (2016, June). New Perspectives on the Gender Pay Gap: Trends and Drivers. Retrieved from
[accessed 20 January 2018]
Office for National Statistics. (2014, November 19). Public and Private Sector Earnings - November 2014. Retrieved from
[accessed 8 February 2018]
Office for National Statistics. (2014, November 19). Public and Private Sector Earnings - November 2014. Retrieved from
[accessed 01 November 2017]
Trades Union Congress. (2016, March). The Motherhood Pay Penalty. Retrieved from
[accessed 15 February 2018]
Office for National Statistics. (17, January 2018). Understanding the gender pay gap in the UK. Retrieved from
[accessed 15 February 2018]
Last Updated: 22/2 3:02pm
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