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Brathan-ullachaidh Rannsachadh
Published by The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Earnings in Scotland: 2018
Author: Andrew Aiton
Published: Thursday 29 Nov 2018 (SB 18-80)
Executive Summary
About the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) data
What does the typical salary look like in Scotland?
What does the typical full-time salary look like in Scotland?
What does the typical part-time salary look like in Scotland?
What does typical weekly pay look like in Scotland?
What does typical full-time weekly pay look like in Scotland?
What does typical part-time weekly pay look like in Scotland?
How has pay changed over time?
Public and private sector pay
Which industries in Scotland pay the most?
Which occupations in Scotland pay the most?
Which local authority area in Scotland has the highest pay?
Image: Executive Summary
Image: Typical annual pay for all employees in Scotland is just below the UK-wide figure
Image: Typical full-time pay for all employees in Scotland is just below the UK wide figure
Image: Typical annual pay for part-time employees in Scotland is the second highest of the nations and regions of the UK
Image: Typical weekly pay for all employees in Scotland is just below the UK wide figure
Image: The lowest paid saw real terms decreases in income over the year
Image: Typical weekly full-time pay for all employees in Scotland is just below the UK wide figure
Image: Typical weekly pay for part-time employees in Scotland is the second highest of the nations and regions of the UK
Image: Despite Scotland seeing stronger growth in wages it still sits behind the UK
Image: Wages for the bottom 25% have seen real terms growth between 2011 and 2018, despite falling over the past two years
Image: Public sector pay is higher in Scotland than the UK, but private sector pay is lower
Image: Earnings for the two highest deciles have increased in the private sector but fallen in public sector over the year
Image: "Mining and quarrying" was the highest paid industry in Scotland in 2018
Image: Managers, directors and senior officials have seen the biggest decrease in pay between 2017 and 2018
Image: Scotland's four biggest cities have some of the highest rates of pay across Scotland for those that work there
Image: Areas with high number of commuters have some of the highest rates of pay for residents
Image: East Renfrewshire has the highest pay ratio when comparing residence to place of work pay
Office for National Statistics. (2018, October 25). Earnings and hours worked in the UK: 2018. Retrieved from
[accessed 15 November 2018]
Office for National Statistics. (2014, September 9). Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Low Pay and Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings Pension Results QMI. Retrieved from
[accessed 27 October 2017]
Office for National Statistics. (2014, November 19). Public and Private Sector Earnings - November 2014. Retrieved from
[accessed 01 November 2017]
Last Updated: 9/10 5:52am
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