Delegated powers in the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill (as amended at Stage 2)


  1. At its meeting on 18 June 2024i, the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee ("the Committee") considered the delegated powers contained in the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill following amendments made at Stage 2.

  1. This is a Scottish Government Bill which was introduced on 13 June 2023.  The lead committee was the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee.

  1. The Scottish Government has stated that the Bill seeks to set a framework that will allow the Scottish Ministers to drive forward a circular economy in Scotland. It is explained that this is intended to lead to more sustainable consumption and production to meet Scotland’s obligations to tackle the twin climate and nature emergencies, to cut waste, carbon emissions and pressures on the natural environment, to open up new market opportunities and strengthen communities. The Bill will primarily deliver enabling powers that will set a framework for taking action into the future.

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Last Updated: 13/3 8:05pm